MP Shannon Stubbs Condemns Liberal Position on Trade
Ottawa, ON—Last week, the Minister of Natural Resources said the Keystone XL pipeline project is "not a priority" for the federal Liberal government. Shannon Stubbs, MP for Lakeland, pressed the Minister in the House of Commons on Friday for answers.
“Thousands of Albertans are out of work and have been for over a year, and not one additional full-time job has been created in Canada under the Liberals in that same time. Meanwhile, the U.S. President-elect said he will approve Keystone XL within 100 days of taking office, but our Minister of Natural Resources says it is ‘not a priority,’” questioned Stubbs.
Shannon Stubbs, MP Condemns Liberal Position on Keystone XL Pipeline
Ottawa, ON—Last week, the Minister of Natural resources gave comments detailing the Liberal plan on pipelines. Shannon Stubbs, MP for Lakeland pressed the Minister in the House of Commons on Friday for answers.
“Thousands of Albertans are out of work and have been for over a year, and not one additional full-time job has been created in Canada under the Liberals in that same time. Meanwhile, the U.S. President-elect said he will approve Keystone XL within 100 days of taking office, but our Minister of Natural Resources says it is ‘not a priority,’” questioned Stubbs.
Member of Parliament Shannon Stubbs, comments on the impact of the American Election on Carbon Tax
Lakeland, AB- Today the Official Opposition Deputy Critic for Natural Resources, Shannon Stubbs, MP for Lakeland, commented on the impacts of the American election results on Canada, and the Liberals’ plan to impose a federal, unilateral, Ottawa-knows-best carbon tax on every person and community across the country.
Conservatives Demand Immediate Action on Energy East
Ottawa, ON – Conservative Members of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources, Mark Strahl, Critic for Natural Resources, John Barlow, MP for Foothills, and Shannon Stubbs, MP for Lakeland, are calling on the Minister of Natural Resources to stand up for energy workers and immediately restart the pipeline review process for the proposed Energy East pipeline.
TWO HILLS, AB – Today, Shannon Stubbs, Member of Parliament for Lakeland and Official Opposition Deputy Critic for Natural Resources urged the federal Liberal government to ensure that regulatory decisions are made by experts and based on evidence and facts.
On Monday, August 29, National Energy Board hearings on the proposed Energy East pipeline were scheduled to begin in Montreal as part of their extended 21-month review process. Unfortunately, unruly protests canceled the first two days of hearings, and prompted the vocally opposed Mayor of Montreal to abruptly walk out of Monday’s hearing.
Yukoners can’t afford a national carbon tax, MPs hear
TWO HILLS, AB – Last week, Shannon Stubbs, Member of Parliament for Lakeland and Official Opposition Deputy Critic for Natural Resources and David Yurdiga, Member of Parliament for Fort McMurray – Cold Lake and Official Opposition Critic for Northern Affairs, traveled to Yukon to meet with key natural resources, business, First Nation and territorial leaders.
MP Stubbs Attends Canada Day Festivities in Lakeland
Shannon Stubbs, Member of Parliament for Lakeland and Deputy Critic for Natural Resources, attended Canada Day festivities in Bruderheim and Vegreville last week.
Lakeland M.P. Denounces the Exclusion of Bruderheim from EI Benefits Extension
TWO HILLS, Alberta – Last week, the Liberal government introduced their 2016 Budget, including temporary, targeted changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) system intended to help hard-hit regions of the country experiencing high unemployment. While this measure is a temporary fix and is not a concrete plan to create jobs and to grow the economy, Edmonton and surrounding areas, including Bruderheim, have been excluded.
Ottawa, ON - Today, Prime Minister Trudeau and his Liberal Government introduced their first budget that involves massive borrowing, and spending tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. Lakeland Member of Parliament Shannon Stubbs is concerned about tax hikes on hard-working families, workers and job-creating businesses. The reckless Liberal plan simply grows the size of government and will do nothing to actually create much-needed jobs for out of work Albertans.
M.P. Stubbs Comments on Prime Minister Trudeau Skipping World's Largest Mining Conference in Toronto
On Monday the Liberal Minister of Natural Resources spoke at the Prospectors and Developers Convention. Mining contributes $57 billion dollars to our GDP but struggles in a prolonged downturn. The Minister acknowledged uncertainty is bad for the business, but the government’s transitional regulatory approach creates instability, deters investment and causes job losses.
Meanwhile, the Prime Minister was minutes away naming two pandas and didn’t stop in to the largest mining meeting in the world.